Adella Crowe was full of woe
Her heart was dark and broody
She never smiled or laughed or sang
In fact she was rather moody
Black is what she always wore
Colors never pleased her
Her pets were rats and bats and snakes
The boys would often tease her
She never cared what others thought
She marched to her own weird drummer
She played in cemeteries and junk yards
And preferred Winter over Summer
Adella Crowe was creepy and bleak
Plus she was very scary
But then again that's no surprise
Since she wouldn't stay buried
Teresa Lott 10/06/2018
As you may or may not know, I am a Michigander living on a mountain in Southern California. I have been living here with my fiancee Jason, and our friend Hank for about five years now. Our financial situation here has been tenuous at best and we've been barely getting by and sometimes it has been a bit close. However, things have turned south in the last few months and it's getting damned scary. What has this to do with going to the hospital when advised to do so you are probably wondering? Be patient, I'm getting there. Around the middle of January of this year Hank, the man who owns the house that we live in...or at least holds the mortgage on it had an odd episode. He was groggy, incoherent, forgetful, disoriented, had a minor headache, was dizzy, and slept most of the day. I was worried, and called 911, but by the time paramedics arrived he was feeling better and refused to go to the hospital. He was convinced that it was carbon monoxide poisoning due to the fact th...